The Way I Play Football

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As the world prepares to watch the Super Bowl, I am reminded of my playing days. No, they were not great! They did not get anywhere near a professional career. There were days when I could barely get out of my own way. There were days when I would not want to oppose me for fear of being pounded into submission. The problem here is the lack of consistency.

The secret to football or anything else in life that you intend to conquer and dominate is to be consistent but at a high level. I had the potential to be good, but during the time when it would have made a difference, it was elusive finding the trigger that would turn me on.

The most consistent trigger to turning me on was to get hit. Hit hard, real hard! Once that happened, it was not possible to turn me off until the game was over. It would make me play like a man on a mission. I remember one game while being fired up, getting what to me seemed an unjust penalty. I acted a complete fool, yelling at the referee until it resulted in being kicked out of the game. Now if you think having a penalty called on me during the game made me mad, multiply that by about a hundred and that is almost the level of my anger after having a penalty called on me after being kicked out of the game. The smartest thing that happened at that point is the coach getting me to leave the field.

Learning the secret to getting fired up, but not over heating was a true learning point in my life. It applied to the game of football and life in general. Continuing to play the game until my last game which took place at the age of 42, playing in a charity game, full contact and with control of my emotions, it was a pleasure.

I often wonder what could have happened if I had the wisdom, determination and physical prowess that was mine in my teens, with the knowledge and maturity that was mine in my 40’s.

While all of the elements of success did not come together at the best time, I am excited by the fact that the entire experience was beneficial and has prepared me with a passion for teaching the life lessons that are the result.

For my version of that deadly combination, watch me as I describe how I played my last games. Click on the link below:

One Response

  1. ken says:

    great talk, sir! it’s good to see you my friend. all the best to you, john!

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