• Cornucopia

        One of the symbols that is traditional this time of year is the cornucopia, or “horn of plenty”. It represents an abundance, particularly in terms of nourishment and is commonly seen filled to the point of overflowing with the produce of the harvest such as fruits, vegetables and nuts.   Many of us …

  • The Dawning of a New Day…Part 2 Dawning of a New Year

    Part 1 discussed the miracle that is the start of a new day. Part 2 is a million miles beyond that, and shows you the miracle that is the start of a new year. It is the time to be filled with hope and anticipation of the great things to come. It is the time …

  • The Dawning of a New Day…

    My favorite part of the day is an early morning sunrise. Away from the bustling city and in the quiet of nature. As the still of the night gives way to the symphony of birds and other animals as they awaken from a restful night’s sleep, the sky is filled with an absolutely amazing kaleidoscope …

  • Christmas Presence

    My memories of Christmas are detailed and vivid. Christmas has always been a very special time of year and was filled with anticipation from year to year. Each one standing out because of the gifts that meant so much to me.   While I enjoy each and every season that the year brings, fall and …