Welcome to JC’s Blog

Welcome to my blog! This blog is dedicated to the lighter side of my life and covers many of my favorite activities like travel, sports, cooking, and photography amongst other things. Other areas include: science, nature, and life in general. Occasionally, I will cover deeper subjects, like politics, religion, and whatever, so I hope that …

Golden Graduation

Golden Graduation Time flies when you are having fun! I must have had a lot of it, because this caught me completely by surprise. 50 years already? It was great seeing people that I had not seen for years. The best-looking people back in the day were showing a bit of age around the edges, …

Don’t Send Apples … to West Point

The day was going pretty, pretty, pretty good, until the UPS delivery driver came… It is always good to get a package. There is something almost magical, it is almost like a birthday, or Christmas in the middle of the year. Actually there as a bounce in elation because the driver was delivering a package …

Tribute to a Dedicated Young Man

The Spartanburg High School Vikings Football team recently won the State Football Championship. They held an awards banquet that was most inspiring. The team had amazing accomplishments, having turned the OK team around capturing the State Championship. While most people were celebrating the team winning, there were many who contributed to the success of not …


    One of the symbols that is traditional this time of year is the cornucopia, or “horn of plenty”. It represents an abundance, particularly in terms of nourishment and is commonly seen filled to the point of overflowing with the produce of the harvest such as fruits, vegetables and nuts.   Many of us …

I Fall for Fall

I fall for fall Fall is my favorite season of the year. I appreciate all of the seasons, and anticipate the change and relish each of the seasons, but fall is my favorite. It may be because I was born in the fall but I think it is because there are so many special memories …

Marijuana – Evil Weed or Good Medicine?

There is a lot of discussion in the news about marijuana. Many states have legalized it for medical use and the number seems to be growing. Two states, Colorado and Washington have legalized it for recreational use, but what is the truth about marijuana? Marijuana has been around for a long time. There is a …

Put your best foot forward

Put your best foot forward is advice that causes many people to die at the start line. What would you say if I told you that some of the most talented runners in the world never win the greatest race of their lives? Many talented people die at the start line of the race because …


Is Public Prayer A Good Thing?

There is a lot of controversy today about prayer in public places such as schools and at other events. There are many people who focus on the rulings made by courts as they interpret the “Separation of Church and State” issues. For many years we exercised the freedom to express our religious belief such as …

Heart of a champion

Spectators, Players and Champions

When it comes to the game of life there are three types of people. The spectator, the player and the champion. There is one component that keeps the spectator from becoming the player and it is the same component that keeps the player from becoming the champion. Learn and master that component and secure your …

Tribute to Nelson Mandela

I am inspired and motivated by people who overcome great obstacles on the road of life and have such a strong belief in themselves and their purpose that they persevere despite it all.   Such a man is Nelson Mandela. A man who spent 27 years in prison because of his unwavering devotion to his …